PageFactory (Kirby Plugin)

Folders and Files Overview

This is an overview over folders and files that Kirby resp. PageFactory uses.

→ Elements in red are Pagefactory-specific.


Folder Purpose Comments
content/ Source files that define the website's page contents Files in this folder are not directly reachable – Kirby manages page requests.
assets/ Stylesheets, Javascripts etc. Files in this folder are managed by Kirby and made available via media/
css/autoload/ .scss Resources in this folder are automatically compiled to CSS and loaded into all pages of this site.
css/scss/ .scss Resources in this folder are automatically compiled to CSS and made available in folder site/assets/css/-xy.css.
Load such a file, e.g. via Frontmatter as
assets: ~assets/css/-xy.css.
js/autoload/ .js Resources in this folder are automatically loaded into all pages (via automatically injected HTML code).
1_xy/ Page folders Folders with a leading index like 1_ are "public", i.e. they appear in the navigation menu.
To get pages rendered by Pagefactory their meta-file must be called z.txt (resp. z.en.txt etc.).
Any .md files in the same folder are complied and rendered as the page's content. Multiple .md files are rendered in separate <section> tags.
media/ Resources Do not modify – folder is managed by Kirby
kirby/ CMS core Do not modify, just replace when updating Kirby
site/ Config, templates, plugins and more Files of site-wide significance.
Not reachable from outside.
custom/ User defined files related to PageFactory.
data/ xy.yaml Place for custom data files
macros/ xy.php Place for custom {{ macros() }}
variables/ xy.yaml Definition file(s) for your (Pagefactory-){{ variables }}
(all files with .yaml extension are included)
languages/ Language definition files, e.g. en.js → enable multilang in site/config/config.php
plugins/ Kirby plugins
pagefactory/ Pagefactory plugin All files belonging to Pagefactory – unmodified and as downloaded
install/ Misc. resources Files required for installation of Pagefactory, either automatically or manually
snippets/ Kirby snippets → not used by Pagefactory
templates/ Template files Twig file z.twig uses variables and functions provided by PageFactory.
→ Other Kirby templates can coexist and get invoked normally (i.e. via matching names of page meta-files)