PageFactory (Kirby Plugin)


Usually there isn't much you need to configure. A PageFactory app works quite well out of the box.


Options can be placed in Kirby's config file, like such:

return [
    'smartypants' => true,
    'languages' => true,
    'pgfactory.pagefactory.options' => [  // → options regarding PageFactory

PageFactory's Config Options

These are the default options you can override:

'pgfactory.pagefactory.options' => [  // → options regarding PageFactory
    'defaultLanguage'               => 'en', // default language used, if none is available from Kirby
    'default-nav'                   => 'en', // loads support for PageFactory's built in nav()
    'externalLinksToNewWindow'      => false,// used by Link() → whether to open external links in new window
    'imageAutoQuickview'            => true, // used by Img() macro
    'imageAutoSrcset'               => true, // used by Img() macro
    'includeMetaFileContent'        => true, // Whether to include meta-file's 'Text:' field in page
    'maxCacheAge'                   => 86400,// [s] max time after which Kirby's file cache is automatically flushed
    'screenSizeBreakpoint'          => 480,  // Value used by JS to switch body classes 
                                            // ('pfy-large-screen' and 'pfy-small-screen')
    'sourceWrapperTag'              => 'section', // tag used to wrap .md content
    'sourceWrapperClass'            => ”,    // class applied to sourceWrapperTag
    'timezone'           => 'Europe/Zurich', // if not set, PageFactory tries to guess the timezone
    'webmaster_email'               => ”,    // email address of webmaster

    // Debug options:
    'debug_checkMetaFiles'          => true, // if false, Pagefactory will not check presence of metafiles
    'debug_compileScssWithSrcRef'   => true, // injects ref to source SCSS file&line in compiled CSS
    'debug_logIP'                   => true, // if true, serverLog() includes agent's IP address